Super Meat Boy Wiki

Meat Ninja is the last unlockable character in the game. He is very similar to Meat Boy, both in speed and physics. Meat Ninja is already running when you move him around, so holding down the Run Button is unnecessary. However, the Run Button can be used to Teleport when Meat Ninja is in danger. Teleportation can only be executed when Meat Ninja is in a deadly situation (right before he's about to die), and this can be done by pressing the shit Butt. His power is very useful but he won't help you in the leaderboards.the shit butt is really the run button.

Meat Ninja can be hard to control because pressing the Run Button right before his death requires timing. If you're too early or too late, you'll end up sliced, fried, or dried Meat Ninja.

Con: Teleportation requires timing skills. There is a pause after every Teleport. Leaderboards don't work when you play as Meat Ninja.Also the message is creepy

Description:Teleport! Rotten

How To Unlock

You'll need to beat most of the Levels, collect almost all Bandages, and complete almost all of the warp zones in order to unlock Meat Ninja. You don't need to get A+ on all of the Dark World Levels, but earning A+ on Light World Levels is required, due to the fact that this unlocks the Dark World Levels.


  • The description of Meat Ninja in the Character Select screen says "The Future!", meaning Meat Ninja could be some kind of an older version of Meat Boy from the future.
  • If you A+ a level of any world, there's a very rare chance this might happen: At first the game looks like it freezes, but suddenly, a portrait of Meat Ninja appears on the screen, and above him, it will either say "In the year 20XX...", "I am, and will always be...", "Look to la luna""I smell wet fur" or "Meat me at 100" . The music known as "???" also plays. This may scare many players. Here is a video . (Discovered in the Forest on the Ultra Edition). These lines are reference, in order, Mega Man, Star Trek, Mortal Kombat, Spelunky, and the way you unlock him, by getting 100%.
  • Meat ninja is based on Meat boy's original design, but the design was eventually scrapped due to similarities to another video game character.